Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
These videos show complex structures step by step—from bone to surface anatomy—to provide a foundation for understanding anatomical structure and function.
Ask Harvard Medical School Video Series
Ask the Doctor questions answered by Harvard Medical School faculty members.
Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination
Note: does not include access to OSCE Clinical Skills Videos
Infobase Physical Therapy Videos
Contains more than 250 videos that cover a wide range of physical therapy interventions and examinations.
International Clinical Educators Video Library (ICE)
ICE provides innovative streaming video collections of real patients and therapists.
LWW Health Library
Contains 350 video clips covering motor control, exercise physiology, kinesiology, biomechanics, therapeutic modalities, and assessment.
The Visual Guides: Understanding the Human Body
This guide takes you on a fascinating journey inside the human body, revealing all its hidden parts.
Visible Body Anatomy
A collection of anatomy software modules available freely through the library. Available Visible Body modules include: Human Anatomy Atlas, Physiology & Pathology, and Muscle Premium.