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Unpublished Plate for the ‘Atlas Anatomico’

Unpublished Plate for the ‘Atlas Anatomico’

Unpublished Plate for the ‘Atlas Anatomico’

Original Creator
Crisostomo Alejandrino Jose Martinez y Sorli (1638-ca. 1694, Spain, Anatomist/Artist)

Original Creation Date
ca. 1680-1694

An unpublished plate intended for Sorli’s Atlas Anatomico. The top half of the etching has 12 human bodies shown in different poses, with their skeletal structures exposed. The bottom half of the illustration depicts a variety of bones at different angles and their internal structures revealed. There is also a cranium with a fracture revealed by candlelight. Sorli sought to teach how different body parts related to each other, using the latest microscopic lens technology to study bone composition and the nervous system.

Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This image is in the public domain.