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Musculature and Bones of the Forearm and Hand

Musculature and Bones of the Forearm and Hand

Musculature and Bones of the Forearm and Hand

Original Creator
Govard Bidloo (1649-1713, Netherlands, Anatomist); Gerard de Lairesse (1649-1713, Netherlands, Artist)

Original Creation Date

This engraving was part of Bidloo’s Ontleding des Menschelyken Lichaams. It shows an arm wrapped around a book, with its skin flayed to reveal the muscles and bones underneath. Although it remained his most famous work, Bidloo’s text and its engraved plates did not achieve much financial success. The publisher would later sell these plates to another anatomist, who took credit of the plates as his own.

Courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. This image is in the public domain.